African Sexuality Is Not Abnormal
Many people blame Africa's second Apocalypse (the AIDS epidemic) on the sexual promiscuity of Africans - but do they not realise that they are continuing to infect Africa with a form of Western propaganda, the evil of which has not been beheld since the indoctrination of Christianity? These medical ‘missionaries’ are disseminating information, about causes for the spread of AIDS in Africa, which is so incomplete that it constitutes a falsehood - they have swallowed Western racist propaganda hook, line and sinker.
Do these medical ‘missionaries’ never wonder why the African populations in Britain (which, naturally, continue to adopt the same patterns of sexual activity that are prevalent in their countries of origin) have not been completely decimated by AIDS related deaths? Do they not notice that the young people of every continent of the world are all naturally prone to eager sexual promiscuity - with scant regard for the use of condoms? No! They obviously have not! Furthermore, this observation about youthful promiscuity must even include young Westerners - despite their consumption by a stultifying culture of reckless drinking and drug-taking!
It is evident that the reason for this dreadful continental disparity in AIDS fatalities has nothing at all to do with heterosexual promiscuity - but is inextricably linked to poverty, indigenous custom and ignorance of the full reasons for AIDS-infection.
People in poor communities are bound to share razor blades (for shaving etc) and the same impoverished people are likely to use (and share) the same razors for making traditional ceremonial markings on their bodies. African people have, in ignorance, been spreading AIDS amongst their own families and communities.
The severity of the AIDS epidemic in Africa is abnormal: one should look for a cause which is abnormal.
Western Medicine Spreads AIDS
On a more insidious note, it is reckoned that, in the clinics of impoverished communities, the medical re-use of insufficiently sterilized hypodermic needles and surgical equipment has greatly added to the spread of AIDS infection in Africa.
For several years, I, together with friends, have questioned the ‘official' explanation for the discrepancies in data for AIDS infection rates. Although not experts, we could not understand why the AIDS prevention campaigns in Africa placed such a huge emphasis on the sexual transmission of AIDS - it made no sense when, in a poor continent, there are many more obvious reasons for widespread AIDS infection, such as shared use of razors and hypodermic needles.
Then, a couple of years ago, a doctor broke ranks and challenged the validity of AIDS prevention campaigns - he said that campaigns were wrongly concentrated on combatting the sexual transmission of this disease and that research data did not support this undue emphasis in policy. However, if one blinked, one would have totally missed this news story - because it had very little coverage and disappeared immediately.
The afore-mentioned challenge to establishment policies is based on the wilfully ignored medical research papers of Dr David Gisselquist (which are fully-listed below in The AIDS Debate: Some General Points. This detailed research shows that the transmission of AIDS in Africa occurs mainly through medical care. In fact, countries, such as South Africa and Zimbabwe, which are trying to extend medical-care to rural areas (with undoubtedly limited finances), are suffering the worst AIDS infection rates - even though other STD rates are falling due to the increasing use of condoms. AIDS also tends to be prevalent in urban African areas where people have enough money to take advantage of medical care - but do not have enough money to afford medical care of a standard high enough to prevent the medical-transmission of AIDS. In fact, my understanding (from discussions with Africans) is that medical "short-cuts" are commonplace in the treatment (see:
These medical research papers show that normal heterosexual activity is not responsible for the explosion of AIDS in Africa - just as it has not been responsible for an Aids explosion in Europe.
The rate of AIDS infection has decreased in some parts of the African continent and one might hope that, behind the scenes, Western health officials have been listening to the concerns of the whistle-blowers and have been quietly changing their policies on AIDS prevention - however, this would be a most dangerous assumption whilst Westerners continue to believe in a wild and sex-crazed Africa continent, which should be subdued under the full weight of Christian guilt. Indeed, recent research in Uganda (see:
02/24/MNG2PBG3VF1.DTL&type=health) has indicated that (subsequent to the initial devastating wave of AIDS-infection) it was the massive increase of AIDS-related deaths which caused a sharp decrease in the numbers of AIDS-sufferers - despite recent increases in the rates of local sexual promiscuity.
Christian Guilt Kills
In poor countries, AIDS is spread by shared use of basic domestic items (eg toothbrushes and razors) and by re-use of basic medical equipment (eg hypodermic needles). By concentrating their anti-AIDS campaigns on messages about safe-sex, Western agencies have created the belief that AIDS is a predominately sexually transmitted disease and that AIDS carriers must be sexually promiscuous, adulterous or homosexual - in societies whose members have been brain-washed by the fear of a Christian God, this false belief causes AIDS sufferers to remain dangerously anonymous.
Where people cannot individually afford condoms, razor-blades and toothbrushes, the anti-AIDS message would be more productively concentrated on the dangers of sharing hygiene-implements and on the dangers of using sub-standard medical services - whilst, of course, continuing to inform people about the risks of contracting AIDS through sexual contact, especially anal-sexual contact.
The Chalice Is Poisoned
Bill Gates should ensure that his vaccination programmes are being properly funded and administered at the grassroots level (ie. a separate hypodermic needle and syringe for each individual vaccinated). He should also ensure that all his hypodermic needles and syringes are collected up and taken back to America for incineration. If Bill Gates is not prepared to fund his vaccination programmes to this level, then he should not initiate such (potentially cataclysmic) programmes at all.
Wake-Up Call
AIDS probably originated from the botched testing (in Africa) of a Western Polio vaccination programme - and AIDS has been spread by the underfunded introduction of frankly controversial Western medicinal practices (such as immunisation) to the African continent.
All in all, the campaign against AIDS-infection in Africa is a complete and criminal fuck-up and, while this situation persists, rates of AIDS infection will never drop below 5% or 6% of the population.
Millions of Africans are dying from the ignorance that the medical ‘missionaries’ (and millions like them) insist on perpetuating. Perhaps they have shares in a condom-manufacturing companies? Or perhaps they have some other vested interest in the virtuous portrayal of current medical programmes in Africa? Has their insight been bought with directorships of high-profile Western medical agencies? Whatever their reasons, when analysing yet another appalling African Apocalypse, for obstinately and bloody-mindedly refusing to employ basic common-sense, the medical ‘missionaries’ should please, please now face the facts - after all, they have seen the state of beleaguered African hospitals.
If the medical ‘missionaries’ have allowed others to burden them with guilt about their own sexuality - they should not now attempt to transfer that guilt onto the shoulders of those already crushed.
High-ranking medical ‘missionaries’ are in a uniquely powerful position to understand the African AIDS epidemic and to influence the strategy of AIDS campaigns - but do they really want to get to the bottom of the AIDS problem in Africa?
African people have been cheated once again - and now they are expected to buy AIDS drugs from those very Westerners who have once again caused their destruction. Medical ‘missionaries’ should WAKE UP before millions more Africans drift into an early sleep.
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